L'appareil de dissuasion ultrasonique pour adolescents Mosquito™ est la solution à l'éternel problème des rassemblements indésirables de jeunes et d'adolescents dans les centre commerciaux, autour des magasins et partout où ils créent des problèmes. La présence de ces adolescents décourage les acheteurs véritables et les clients d'entrer dans votre magasin, ce qui affecte votre chiffre d'affaires et votre profit. Les comportements anti-sociaux sont devenus la plus grande menace à la propriété privée des dernières décénies et il n'existait pas jusqu'à présent de méthode de dissuasion efficace.
Acclamée par les forces de police de nombreuses régions de Royaume-Uni, l'appareil de dissuasion ultrasonique pour adolescents Mosquito a été décrit comme "l'outil le plus efficace dans votre lutte contre les comportements anti-sociaux". Des propriétaires de magasins dans le monde entier ont acheter cet appareil pour déplacer les rassemblements indésirables d'adolescents et de jeunesse anti-sociale. Les compagnies de chemins de fer ont installé l'appareil pour décourage les jeunes de garnir de graffitis les trains et les murs des gares.
J'ai du mal à croire ce que je lis. Depuis quand considère-t-on les jeunes comme des animaux nuisibles ? Le titre du site parle de "teenage control", la même expression utilisée pour "pest control", la désinsectisation ! Remplacez dans le texte ci-dessus les mots "adolescents" et "jeunes" par "rats" ou "chiens errants", et vous aurez quelque chose de parfaitement cohérent, qui reflète bien l'utilisation de ce genre d'outil. Sommes-nous dans une société où à défaut de pouvoir les contrôler par d'autres moyens, on utilise des "produits anti-jeunes" ? A quand les hamburgers empoisonnés, les pièges apâtés aux jeux vidéos ? Que devient le respect de la personne humaine ?
PS: Au moment où j'envoie ce message, un article du Soir me renseigne un site qui conteste (entre autres) l'utilisation de ce système en Belgique et en Europe: le site Triangle Rouge. Avec tests auditifs, articles de presse, vidéos et pétition.

I came across a news headline today that announced actions from a Belgian (French Community's) minister against a machine called "Mosquito". What's that ?, I wondered, and following the path my friend Google indicated I found out it was a "teenage control product". The advertisement website I discovered underlined the advantages of a device producing a high frequency sound that disturbs teenagers and young people only. For people over 20, the medical phenomenon known as presbycusis or age related hearing loss makes it impossible to hear such a sound. That "Mosquito" takes advantage of such a particularity. Here are the first lines of the website:
Amazing ! I can hardly believe what I'm reading. Since when have young people been openly considered as damaging animals ? The website mentions "teenage control", just like "pest control" ! If you replace in the text hereup the words "teenagers" or "youth" by "rats" or "wandering dogs", it makes perfect sense and reflects the intended use of such a tool. Are we living in a society where, since we can't control them by other means, we use "anti-youth products" ? Is the next step poisoned hamburgers, or traps using video games as baits ? Where in all this is the respect for human beings ?
PS: While I'm sending this post, I discover a website contesting (among others) the use of this system: "Triangle Rouge" (red triangle, in English too). With the possibility to experience the sound and a petition online.
The Mosquito™ ultrasonic teenage deterrent is the solution to the eternal problem of unwanted gatherings of youths and teenagers in shopping malls, around shops and anywhere else they are causing problems. The presence of these teenagers discourages genuine shoppers and customers’ from coming into your shop, affecting your turnover and profits. Anti social behavior has become the biggest threat to private property over the last decade and there has been no effective deterrent until now.
Acclaimed by the Police forces of many areas of the United Kingdom, the Mosquito ultrasonic teenage deterrent has been described as “the most effective tool in our fight against anti social behaviour”. Shop keepers around the world have purchased the device to move along unwanted gatherings of teenagers and anti social youths. Railway companies have placed the device to discourage youths from spraying graffiti on their trains and the walls of stations.
Amazing ! I can hardly believe what I'm reading. Since when have young people been openly considered as damaging animals ? The website mentions "teenage control", just like "pest control" ! If you replace in the text hereup the words "teenagers" or "youth" by "rats" or "wandering dogs", it makes perfect sense and reflects the intended use of such a tool. Are we living in a society where, since we can't control them by other means, we use "anti-youth products" ? Is the next step poisoned hamburgers, or traps using video games as baits ? Where in all this is the respect for human beings ?
PS: While I'm sending this post, I discover a website contesting (among others) the use of this system: "Triangle Rouge" (red triangle, in English too). With the possibility to experience the sound and a petition online.
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