Cet été, Mikko et moi avons décidé de partir faire un petit tour en Italie du nord. Le voyage fut très peu préparé, en partie à cause d'une panne d'Internet au moment de réserver les hôtels... Ce ne fut pas un mal, finalement: ça nous a permis de changer nos projets en fonction de nos envies et au total, nous avons eu beaucoup plus de bonnes surprises que de mauvaises.
Le programme fut le suivant: le samedi 26 juillet, nous avons pris l'avion pour la Belgique. Après quelques jours à profiter de mes parents, quelques courses et un peu de repos, nous sommes partis en voiture pour l'Italie le mercredi 30 juillet dans la soirée. Nous avons roulé toute la nuit, et nous sommes arrivés au bord du Lac de Garde le lendemain matin. Après deux jours sur place, nous sommes repartis pour Venise, où nous avons passé une nuit. Le lendemain, direction Vérone où nous attendait notre amie Stefania, rencontrée à Groningen. Nous avons visité la ville en sa compagnie, puis nous sommes dirigés le lendemain vers Rome, que nous avons visitée pendant trois jours. Ceci nous mène au jeudi 7 août, où nous avons vu Florence et Sienne. Notre dernier jour en Italie, le vendredi, nous l'avons passé sur la côte, avant de reprendre la route et arriver en Belgique le samedi matin. Mikko a repris l'avion pour Helsinki le dimanche soir, et moi une semaine après.
Comme pour le séjour d'Isabelle et Manon, je vais détailler nos visites au rythme des albums de photos. Suivez-moi pour un petit tour illustré !

This summer, Mikko and I decided to go for a tour in Northern Italy. Our trip was hardly prepared, partly because of an internet brokeout at the very last moment... But it wasn't so bad after all: we could change our plans according to our wishes on the spot and altogether, we had much more good surprises than bad ones.
Our schedule was as such: on Saturday 26 July, we took the plane to Belgium. After some days enjoying my parents' presence, a few shopping and some rest, we left by car for Italy on Wednesday 30 July in the evening. We drove all night and we arrived next to Lake Garda the next morning. After two days there, we left for Venice, where we spent a night. The next day, we headed to Verona, where our friend Stefania (met in Groningen) was waiting for us. We visited the city with her and then we took off for Rome, that we visited during three days. That took us to Thursday 7 August, when we saw Florence and Sienna. Our last day in Italy, on Friday, we spent it on the seaside, before driving back by night to Belgium. Mikko took the plane back to Helsinki on Sunday evening, I left one week later.
I will do as I did for Isabelle and Manon's stay: I'll describe our trip step by step, according to the photo album's readiness. Follow me for an illustrated voyage !
Our schedule was as such: on Saturday 26 July, we took the plane to Belgium. After some days enjoying my parents' presence, a few shopping and some rest, we left by car for Italy on Wednesday 30 July in the evening. We drove all night and we arrived next to Lake Garda the next morning. After two days there, we left for Venice, where we spent a night. The next day, we headed to Verona, where our friend Stefania (met in Groningen) was waiting for us. We visited the city with her and then we took off for Rome, that we visited during three days. That took us to Thursday 7 August, when we saw Florence and Sienna. Our last day in Italy, on Friday, we spent it on the seaside, before driving back by night to Belgium. Mikko took the plane back to Helsinki on Sunday evening, I left one week later.
I will do as I did for Isabelle and Manon's stay: I'll describe our trip step by step, according to the photo album's readiness. Follow me for an illustrated voyage !
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