L'avantage de passer ses journées à la bibliothèque du Parlement Finlandais est qu'on est susceptible de croiser dans la rue quelques politiciens célèbres. Je ne me vante pas de pouvoir reconnaître les ministres ou parlementaires de ce beau pays, moi qui ne suis même pas les journaux télévisés auxquels je ne comprends rien, mais je me disais que si je passais à côté d'une célébrité, je le/la reconnaîtrais parce que tout le monde se retournerait sur son passage.
J'avais tort, et je m'en suis rendue compte en croisant aujourd'hui Matti Vanhanen, premier ministre finlandais, celui que Chirac avait qualifié d'"homme le plus sexy de Finlande". Je suis sûre que c'était lui, j'ai bien regardé, et j'étais la seule; aucun autre passant n'a même tourné la tête. Ah, le flegme de ces gens...
...et oui, il est effectivement très sexy (pour son âge).

The good thing in spending my days next to the Parliament is, I am likely to come across some famous politicians. Not that I can tell I might recognize any Finnish minister or congressman(woman), I don't even watch TV news since I don't understand the language. But I thought that if I met someone well known, I could tell from the glances every passerby would cast to him/her.
I was wrong. I realized it today, when I passed by Matti Vanhanen, the Finnish Prime Minister, the one Chirac said was "the sexiest man in Finland". I am certain it was him, I looked very carefully, and I was the only one doing so: no one else would even have a look for him. Ah, how composed these people are...
...and yes, he's very sexy (for his age).
I was wrong. I realized it today, when I passed by Matti Vanhanen, the Finnish Prime Minister, the one Chirac said was "the sexiest man in Finland". I am certain it was him, I looked very carefully, and I was the only one doing so: no one else would even have a look for him. Ah, how composed these people are...
...and yes, he's very sexy (for his age).
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