Le week-end passé se déroulait à Helsinki la DigiExpo, une exposition commerciale consacrée aux produits vidéo-électroniques (je ne sais pas si un tel mot existe, mais c'est la meilleure description que je puisse faire...). J'étais toute fière de pouvoir en parler à Mr Ours après en avoir entendu parler à la radio, en finnois, et avoir presque tout compris ! Mon enthousiasme est un peu retombé quand j'ai compris que l'entrée coûtait 13 euros, et j'ai été assez déçue de la visite: jeux vidéos, appareils photo, télés et produits informatiques, mais à part quelques petits trucs sympas comme des cadres photos rétroéclairés et des écrans tactiles HP, peu de nouveautés en réalité. Voici quand même quelques petites photos prises sur place...
Last week-end the DigiExpo was taking place in Helsinki. It's a commercial exhibition for video-electronic products (I don't know if that word even exists, but it's the best definition I can imagine). I was pretty proud when I mentioned it to Mr Bear, after having heard about it on the radio... in Finnish ! Then I wasn't so enthusiastic anymore when I found out the entrance fee was 13 euros. I was also a bit disappointed when visiting it: there were video games, cameras, TVs and IT products, but besides a few nice stuff like picture frames lighted from the back or HP touch screens, there weren't many novelties. Yet, here are some pics I took there...
Mr Bear trying on camera zooms, and taking pictures of things I couldn't even see with my poor eyes.
The TV set I'd like to buy some day; the design is wonderful, it looks good even when it's off !
Nice frames lighted from the back; why no one thought of it before ?
The biggest screen I ever saw...
A real Audi R8, and those stupid people next to it settling for driving it only in a video game...

A mini movie theater room with, inside, two great beamers to compare

Need all this to play that game at home ?
When I was the age of those little munchkins, people were playing pacman and TVs were half that size...
C'est pour le travail que tu vas souvent en Finlande ou tu y vis? Excuse ma curiosité!
ReplyDeleteJ'y vis parce que mon amoureux est finlandais. Tu me fais penser que je devrais mettre à jour la page "à propos de moi" :)