Peut-être que chez vous les vacances commencent seulement, mais les miennes sont déjà terminées. Nous les avons passées en Belgique, avec le but principal (et largement atteint) de se reposer et de revoir le plus de monde possible. Du coup, nous n'avons eu que deux occasions de prendre des photos : une visite à Pairi Daiza et une autre à Amsterdam.
Pairi Daiza, c'est à la fois un parc et un zoo dans la région de Mons en Belgique dont on a beaucoup parlé récemment quand ils ont obtenu un couple de pandas, une première en Belgique. J'adore les zoos et je suis folle des pandas, alors il fallait absolument que j'y aille. Ce n'était pas ma première visite mais la précédente remontait à si loin que je n'en ai gardé que très peu de souvenirs...
J'ai beaucoup apprécié cette visite. Si Mr Ours préfère les jardins manucurés du zoo d'Anvers, moi j'aime bien les grands espaces de ce parc-ci et les reconstitutions de différentes régions du monde. La partie "le royame de Ganesha" m'a particulièrement impressionnée, les rizières vertes et rouges étaient magnifiques ! Mais ce que j'ai préféré c'est la proximité des animaux. Quand c'est possible, les animaux sont laissés en liberté dans le parc, comme les pélicans, les poules, certains singes, etc. Dans d'autre cas, les visiteurs rentrent carrément dans leur enclos, comme chez les kangourous ou les perroquets, qu'on avait même la possibilité de nourrir. Quel plaisir de sentir ces beaux oiseaux se poser sur notre tête ou notre main !
Evidemment tout ceci a donné de très belles photos qui vous permettront de revivre ma visite (cliquer sur la photo pour voir l'album). Ma seule déception c'est que les deux pandas soient restés enfermés dans leur grotte toute la journée ; nous sommes revenus plusieurs fois mais nous n'avons pu voir que l'un d'eux en train de se nourrir. Ce qui ne l'empêche pas d'être tout à fait adorable, mais j'aurais préféré les voir faire des galipettes comme dans la vidéo tout en bas de cet article !
You might only be about to start your holidays, but mine are already completed. We spent them in Belgium, with the main purpose (largely achieved) to rest and meet as many nice people as possible. As a result, we only had two opportunities to take photos: while visiting Pairi Daiza and Amsterdam.
Pairi Daiza is both a park and a zoo in the region of Mons in Belgium, which has been much talked about recently when they got a pair of pandas, a first in Belgium. I love zoos and I'm crazy about pandas, so it was imperative that I go there. It was not my first visit but last time was so long ago that I have kept very few memories ...
I really enjoyed that visit. Mr Bear prefers the manicured gardens of the Antwerp Zoo, but I really enjoyed the great outdoors in this park it and the reconstructions from different parts of the world. The "kingdom of Ganesha" area particularly impressed me, its green and red rice fields were gorgeous! But what I loved best there was the proximity of animals. When possible, the animals are left to roam freely in the park, as is the case for pelicans, hens, some monkeys, etc. In other cases, visitors actually enter their enclosure, as for kangaroos and parrots, that we could actually feed. What a pleasure to feel these beautiful birds land on our head or our hand!
Obviously all this resulted in some great pictures that will allow you to relive my visit (click on the picture to view the album). My only disappointment is that the pandas have remained locked in their cave all day; we returned several times but we could only see one of them feeding itself. This did not prevent him/her from being totally adorable, but I'd rather had seen them do somersaults like in the video at the bottom of this article!
Pairi Daiza is both a park and a zoo in the region of Mons in Belgium, which has been much talked about recently when they got a pair of pandas, a first in Belgium. I love zoos and I'm crazy about pandas, so it was imperative that I go there. It was not my first visit but last time was so long ago that I have kept very few memories ...
I really enjoyed that visit. Mr Bear prefers the manicured gardens of the Antwerp Zoo, but I really enjoyed the great outdoors in this park it and the reconstructions from different parts of the world. The "kingdom of Ganesha" area particularly impressed me, its green and red rice fields were gorgeous! But what I loved best there was the proximity of animals. When possible, the animals are left to roam freely in the park, as is the case for pelicans, hens, some monkeys, etc. In other cases, visitors actually enter their enclosure, as for kangaroos and parrots, that we could actually feed. What a pleasure to feel these beautiful birds land on our head or our hand!
Obviously all this resulted in some great pictures that will allow you to relive my visit (click on the picture to view the album). My only disappointment is that the pandas have remained locked in their cave all day; we returned several times but we could only see one of them feeding itself. This did not prevent him/her from being totally adorable, but I'd rather had seen them do somersaults like in the video at the bottom of this article!
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